Today, collecting database is the first step in SMS marketing. Bulk SMS source is the best and effective tool than…
What is actually sender ID in bulk SMS ?
SMS is part of telecom, which is regulated by Govt of India. years back, SMS prices were as low as…
Bulk SMS – The best way for reseller marketing
Bulk SMS Reseller application is the best way for reseller business. Our panel will help every one to start a…
Mobile first Interface for Bulk SMS
Our initiative was to develop a mobile friendly interface for bulk SMS sending. In the world of mobile first, we…
Difference between Normal Text Message and Bulk SMS
Messaging or SMS is a short information career from one device to other, especiallyfrom mobile phone devices. It’s a good…
How to use SMS API in Recharge Portals and software ?
Mainly transaction messages are used for SMS API. We have well documented API for Php. Dotnet, Java platforms. We are…
Bulk SMS, how it works ?
In India, Bulk SMS routeĀ is mainly classified in to two, Promotion & Transaction. Promotion messaging for all kind of messages…
Why Bulk SMS important ?
Bulk sms in India is a highly growing trend, almost all the businesses need to send text messages for various…
How effective promotional Messages ?
Promotional messages are not seasonal one, it should be regular one for all business. It should use like email marketing.…
How messaging help to build business ?
Messaging is a personalized marketing tool. It helps to bring more eye balls at less cost. More beyond a mass…